Radical Hospitality

providing a welcoming and hospitable place

Hospitality means that space is provided that welcomes youth and adults and that nourishes their spirits. Respect of the space is the only prerequisite to belonging there. This space provides models for positive boundaries and positive relationships with others.


of youth and adults in their journey

Accompaniment means that a caring, responsible adult serves as a role model on their journey, through obstacles, helping to weather life’s storms, and offering support, advice, advocacy and education.

Building Relationships

with youth, adults and family

Engaging in peacemaking circles and mentoring to promote healing, honest communication, conflict resolution, healthy relationships, connection and a sense of belonging.

Relentless Engagement

of systems and stakeholders

The ability to effectively link youth and adults to resources that are essential in building well-being and reaching their full potential while maintaining a strong presence in their lives.

Learning Community

collaboration and learning with other RJ Hubs

The strength and power of a community comes from stronger relationships within and between the members of the community and their supporters. True collaboration is a process where the collaborators continue to learn and be part of a learning community.

Other Supporting Values Defined

Restorative Justice: Bridging relationships and community healing are at the heart of restorative justice. This practice repairs the harm caused by crime and conflict, restores relationships, and implements a network of care and resolutions while promoting community healing and safety.

Restorative justice in both philosophy and practice emphasizes the power and capacity of ordinary people to identify and resolve their own problems (Pranis, 2001). This proactive approach first looks at the harm done, then asks how it can be repaired. Restorative justice recognizes that crime is more than a violation of a law; it is a violation of relationships.

The restorative justice practice includes peacemaking circles—a methodology that provides a network of support and care, and support and accountability for youth, adults and families in the community.

Informed by science: The RJ Hubs model is directly informed by the latest science on childhood trauma. It is designed as a strategy for helping people move beyond the effects of adverse childhood experiences, guiding them towards sustainable healing and growth.

Community-led: Real change happens when members of the community lead the efforts. Moreover, outside providers must support the people in the neighborhood and together, build ongoing positive relationships within the community. Relentless engagement among community members, stakeholders and systems is essential for positive, sustainable change and improved outcomes.

Understanding outcomes: The objective and responsible use of research and data inform our decisions about practice, policy and programming to produce outcomes that are just and effective.

Responsibility: Recognizing the need for all members of the community and social systems to be responsible to one another; creating an environment in which accountability is valued as a means toward a more healthy community.

Safe spaces: Safe and welcoming spaces within the community are places where youth, adults and families can experience hospitality and feel a sense of belonging.